Sapphire Pep San
Reg Number: 5783850
May 17, 2016 Black Quarter Horse Mare
Owned By: John and Sue Kaiser
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Reg Number: 5783850
May 17, 2016 Black Quarter Horse Mare
Owned By: John and Sue Kaiser
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Sapphire Pep San is a silky smooth black mare with keen head and neck, plenty of profile. She carries the classic and proven Sugar Bars, Leo, Colonel Freckles and Orphan Drift genes. She has an old scar on her chest, from when she was a weanling, that does not bother her. Keeping several sisters in the broodmare band. She is a range mare and should be pasture bred. Sells exposed to ROM sire French Flit for 2024.
Driftin Pep San
Click here for More Info! |
Sonny Pep San
Sire ROM, winners roping, barrels, cowhorse |
Sonny Sugar
AQHA H-3 P-3; Sire multiple ROMs |
Anna San
by Mr San Peppy |
Chick E Wood
Orphan Drift
Notable rope & arena horse sire |
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by John Red AAA |
Sapphire Colonel
Coyote Colonel
Colonel Freckles
NCHA Futurity Champ.; Hall of Fame |
Katy Lynx
Sapphire Sugar
by Sonny Sugar |
Sonny Sugar
Sire of ROM roping, reining, barrels |
Cocoa Bar Two
by Devil Cat Dancer |